Sunday, January 16, 2011

Quick Bite - Arizmendi

Happy Holiday Weekend! We took advantage of the unseasonably warm weather (67 degrees in San Francisco - sounds like bathing suit weather!) and went for a bike ride yesterday over to Irving Street. We worked up quite an appetite biking those relatively level 3.4 miles and eagerly headed into the neighborhood cooperative bakery, Arizmendi. We got a slice of focaccia with goat cheese and marinated artichokes to tide ourselves over while waiting for our pizza. Arizmendi makes one type of pizza each day and the selection changes daily. The focaccia was good but the pizza was spectacular - parsley, button mushrooms, housemade tomato sauce and cheese all united on a glorious piece of crust. mmm. . .


  1. Sounds good... why wasn't that there when I lived in the Sunset? I'm glad you are having good weather for your holiday. I don't even get the day off! I keep trying to say I should get U.S. holidays off, but no one's buying it. Who drew the drawing? Or, are you stuck in an '80s A-ha video?

  2. Is that a picture from their menu? I like the combination of color and not.
